The QSL manager for J5C is F5TVG
General rules for QSL card requests
- Please wait the end of the expedition to send your request.
You may make more contacts with J5C. In addition, our QSL manager is also one of the
operators at J5C, he will therefore not be able to process your request before he is back.
- Always write your QSO in chronological order (no sorting by band/mode...)
- Whatever method you choose (e-mail, bureau, direct), only send one request.
Do not send a paper QSL if you made a request via e-mail (this will slow down processing).
- If you made many contacts, a list of QSO on a sheet of paper stappled to your card is fine.
QSL via Bureau
If you wish to receive a QSL via bureau, you can speed-up the process by sending a list of your QSOs by e-mail (with callsign, date, time, band and mode of each QSO) to :
Please tick the "confirm e-mail receipt" option prior to sending your e-mail.
All requests received via e-mail or bureau will be answered.
QSL via Direct
You can send your direct QSL request to the following address
BP 92
94223 Charenton Cedex
For all direct request, please send a self addressed envelope with:
- 1 IRC or 2 USD or 1 € for European Union & Switzerland
- 1 IRC or 2 USD for other destinations
Only NEW IRC (with validity date until 31st Dec 2009) will be accepted.
All direct requests that do not have a SAE and/or sufficient IRC/USD required to cover postal fee will be returned via the bureau.
QSL via Logbook Of The World (LOTW)
The log will be uploaded in LOTW.
This will be done in a few months once the largest flow of paper QSL will have been processed.
Not in log?
If you cannot find your callsign in the online log but are sure to have a valid contact, please send your request to F5TVG after carefully checking the QSO details (date, time, band and mode).
Every request will be considered in order to debug any possible log entry error.
Thank you for your understanding.